Navigating the System: Resources for Families and Children with NPD

Types of Health Professionals

Diagnostician – this designation is regulated by the Health Professionals Act, 1996

  • Psychiatrist (with a specialty in child and adolescent psychiatry).
  • Psychologist (Ph.D. in psychology- this is the minimum requirement of competence for diagnosis).

Clinicians – are not qualified to make a diagnosis

  • Such as: RN, MSW, OT.

Therapist – anyone can call themselves a therapist. They come from various backgrounds.

  • Such as a: nutritionist, teacher, priest, minister, rabbi.

The System has Four Levels

  1. Hospital Based (Health Funded)
  2. Community and Social Services funded
  3. School Based
  4. Private

Navigating the system in the Toronto area

There is lots of help available to people in the Toronto area. We have a listing of services available here.


Reviewed by M. Kodsi, M.D., Child and Family Psychiatrist.

  • What we are talking about